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Sun W Hwang

Director / Architect / KIA, KIRA

Bsc, DipArch, MArch UCL

Sun Woo Hwang is South Korean Architect based in Seoul, Korea. In 2006 he graduated Bsc in Architecture with 1st award from Dankook University, Seoul. In 2011 he received his DipArch and MArch in Architecture from the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London. His MArch thesis was based on experimental and environmental scope towards weather and architecture.

He has worked with Seung H-Sang in IROJE Architects and Planners in Seoul for range of architectural projects and exhibitions in both Korea and China. He has also worked for King's Cross Central project in Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, London and Au Pont Rouge, St. Petersburg at Kengo Kuma and Associates in Tokyo, Japan.

From 2014, he stared to explore range of architectural installations and pavillions for sustainable architecture through his studio. He has been a lecturer at Korea National University of Arts.

황 선 우



황선우는 2006년 단국대학교 건축학과 최우수상 졸업과 함께 이듬해 승효상의 이로재에서 실무를 익혔다. 다양한 국내외 프로젝트를 수행, 3년후 2009년 영국 Bartlett School of Architecture 에서 DipArch / MArch Architecture 를 취득하였으며 2012년 런던의 Allford Hall Monaghan Morris 에서 Google HQ London 프로젝트를 수행하며 실무를 이어 나갔다. 이후 2014 일본 Kengo Kuma and Associates 를 거쳐 귀국 후 Sun Hwang + Associates 를 기반으로 다양한 드로잉 전시와 주택, 파빌리온 프로젝트를 수행하며 다양한 건축 내외적인 실험을 수행하고 있다. 현재 한국예술종합학교에 출강중이며, 한국건축가협회 정회원으로 활동중이다.

Sun K Hwang

Director / Architect / KIA, KIRA

Bsc Architecture

Sun Ki Hwang Has joined Sun Hwang Studio in 2015. He graduated Kyonggi University and continued his career with Jong Kyu Kim at M.A.R.U, Seoul and One O One Architects for many private houses and public realms. After joined Sun Hwang +Associates, he is in charge of construction design processes and strong detail solutions for every projects.

황 선 기


황선기는 경기대학교 건축학과를 졸업하였다. 이후 M.A.R.U와 One O One Architects를 거쳐 다양한 프로젝트의 건축실무와 디자인을 담당하였다. 이후 한국 건축사를 취득하고, 황어쏘시에이츠 건축사사무소(Sun Hwang + Associates)를 공동 설립, 프로젝트의 디자인과 실무를 총괄하고 있다.

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